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February 20, 2021, 1:33 am

For quarter notes or longer the three slashes are shown explicitly, eighth notes are shown with two slashes (the beam being the third), and drum rolls shorter than eighths have one stem slash to supplement the beams. This is achieved with the tremolo notation, as described in Tremolo repeats. \time 2/4 sn16 sn8 sn16 sn8 sn8:32 ~ sn8 sn8 sn4:32 ~ sn4 sn8 sn16 sn16 sn4 r4} Sticking can be indicated by placing a markup for "R" or "L" above or below notes, as discussed in Direction and placement. The staff-padding property may be overridden to achieve a pleasing baseline. \repeat unfold 2 { sn16^"L" sn^"R" sn^"L" sn^"L" sn^"R" sn^"L" sn^"R" sn^"R" \stemUp sn16_"L" sn_"R" sn_"L" sn_"L" sn_"R" sn_"L" sn_"R" sn_"R"}} Tremolo repeats. [ << Specialist notation] [ Top][ Contents][ Index][? ] [ General input and output >>] [ < Drum rolls] [ Up: Common notation for percussion] [ Percussion staves >] Pitched percussion Certain pitched percussion instruments (e. g. xylophone, vibraphone, and timpani) are written using normal staves.

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"Cockroach, inspired by Spanner, is using consensus-based replication, " Kimball explained, which means that "you don't lose data even if you lose an entire replication facility, like a data center. " "So those two [scalability and resilience] are very big departures from Oracle — and in addition, of course, the global data architecture side of things. " To be fair, Oracle might counter that its product is one of the most highly rated by Gartner, which praised Oracle's innovation, functionality and performance, and customer satisfaction. It's number one in the relational DBMS market for a reason. Even in cloud, despite being a late mover, Oracle has made significant investments to adapt. So while it's possible Cockroach Labs will over time make inroads into Oracle's market share, as of now it's equivalent to a gnat (or a cockroach) trying to take a bite out of an elephant. Where I think Cockroach Labs is best positioned to make an impact is in the coming generation of AI applications. Scale and resilience will really matter when you're dealing with the masses of data required to run those applications.

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If no access to the trouser pockets and you don't mind limiting access to the lower cargo pockets, the belt kit can simply be worn over the smock so that access to a holster or thigh rig isn't affected. At the time of this writing, it's been too hot to wear any kind of long sleeves during the day, so I'll have to wait a few months to get the smock dirty. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the smock isn't as hot or stuffy as I thought it would be, due to the breathable nature of the material and the ventilation provided by the pit zips. Kudos to Drop Zone Tactical for making a classic combat garment even better. 9/10/05 - Went on a hike with the wife today, starting out at an elevation of 6000', going up to 10, 000' and back down again. Even though this is the end of summer, it's always windy up at the summit, and it was quite chilly today. I packed along the Recce Smock instead of a civvie windbreaker/jacket as it's been too hot to wear it anywhere else and I was just itching to use it.